Tuesday 15 April 2014

Reminder 101

Reminder 101

Whizzing, running
Passing through
Not much time
So many things to do

A bend in the road
Throws you off course
Right yourself
Stop the pain at its source

Busy, rushing
Finish it fast
One day feels
Just like the last

Wishing, missing
Opportunities to grow
Take time now
Or you’ll have nothing to show

Sitting, breathing
Passing through
Remember to stop
And be

Not do. 

Monday 7 April 2014

une autre erreur

You took a punt
On another hair-brained scheme
What situation
Must your mind be in
To think each step you take
Can a solution make
When your footfall
Corresponds to other peoples
Body blows
Given up trying
To work out your lying
You’re the one
Left with none
We can move on
Ignore the interfering dong
Of your bell
Sing our own song
And wish you well
Or not
But we’re done now
So thanks a lot
Its only memories we’ve got
But they can stop
And we can be free
From you
Its easy to see
You’re stuck in the ground
Like a rooted tree
But we’re leaves on a breeze
And we’ve stopped listening
To you
And your schemes
So goodnight old man
You’ve done all you can
But we’re fine
With just each other
Great siblings
And a mother
And, frankly, numerous lovers
To build our lives upon
Not fearing when you’ve gone
So get your friend on a phone
To jog on
And leave us in peace
Where we belong. 

Sunday 6 April 2014

Melancholy day

Melancholy day

Could go outside
Only a pane of glass
In between
Could go and smell the green
Scent of trees
Feel the grass beneath my feet
Brain hits pause
Cloud settles in
Think I’ll stay indoors
It’s the best place for me to be
On a melancholy
Blue day
Bleeding free-
-ly without breaking any skin
What trouble I am in
Could go outside
Where wind, if not people, roam free
But four flights of stairs
Are too many for me
Think I’ll stay indoors
And drown in a navy sea
Of dark whisperings
Aching missings
And write down
My sad musings
Hanging thoughts
On the washing line
To dry
Until I can swim to the edge
Rinse off
And try
To once more
Face the sun.